There are those who say that Islamophobia,is unwarranted. First, let’s define Islamophobia. It is a rational fear of radical Islam. And what is radical Islam? Well, 6 barbers in Pakistan were murdered for cutting clients beards too short? That is an example of radical Islam. 2 Sunnis put on suicide bombs and blew up one hundred Shia at a wedding party? That is an example of radical Islam. Women in Afghanistan have no rights at all? That is radical Islam. Radical Islam is a dangerous cult that produces fatwas and jihad. If you care if you live or die, and you aren’t an Islamist yourself, then you are out of touch with reality if you aren’t Islamophobic as it is defined here. We are NOT talking about the many millions of Muslims who are peaceable. We ARE talking about the millions of Muslims who believe they have a divine right to kill all infidels. Islamophobia, meaning a fear of radical Islam, is a sign of acceptance of reality. When ALL Muslims accept the right of ALL other people to exist, that will be the natural end of Islamophobia.