Professor Emeritus Jerry Coyne

An excellent way to keep up with the initially insidious and now stifling influence of the DEI religion (what else can you call it) in the academic sphere is to read the blog of Professor Coyne. I don’t personally know Dr. Coyne, and I am sure that we would never support the same political candidate. However, we see the same reality, untainted by subjectivism. If it weren’t for Professor Coyne, I would be unaware of the ideologic hegemony that has taken over universities, museums, and scientific journals. It seems that what we are experiencing is something akin to the Spanish Inquisition, and Progressive Dogma has simply replaced the Catholic Church. Cancel culture is just another form of being burned at the stake. Read Professor Coyne if you can, his insight is wonderful, and like JK Rowling, he won’t let the on-line mob intimidate him.

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